Join us for Celebration worship services, in-person and online, every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Safe Church, Safe Children

Our church is doing a new thing which we can all be proud of, even though it hasn’t happened yet. We’re still a month or so away, but please, consider yourself invited to puff up your chests and pat one another on the back, because we are running a training to address a very important issue. Not only that, but we are calling in an expert from a nearby Presbytery, and inviting other local congregations to participate in this most important event. Congratulations!

Well, we need all the pride and appreciation we can get, because it isn’t going to be an easy training.  We are gathering together on May 21st to talk about how we can avoid and prevent abuse in our church, including the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of children and vulnerable elders. Jane Odell, from San Jose Presbytery, will be leading a class for many of us, especially staff, Godly Play teachers, nursery volunteers, Youth Group advisors, and session members. It won’t be pretty, but it will be important. We will be thinking about unthinkable crimes, and looking for ways we can improve our policies and practices to reduce even the possibility of such crimes happening here.

Presbyterians might be rightly accused of being cynical, but we have a strength in our cynicism. We acknowledge that people do not always do what they ought to do, and that this is common to all – not just in the outlying “bad apples,” but in each person, and moreover that our misdeeds are compounded systemically and culturally, especially when power dynamics come into play . In other words, and churchier words, “we confess the persistence of sin in our corporate and individual lives” (PCUSA Book of Order, F1.0302-b). In even simpler words, if something can possibly go wrong, we expect it may. Because of this, we believe that our systems of power must be well checked and balanced against one another. And when possible, safeguards should be put in place. This training will help us identify places we need safeguards, and will help us all to be alert to risks and dangers so that we can keep everyone safe.

If you are interested in volunteering with the children of our church in the next year – whether in nursery, Godly Play, youth group, retreats or mission trips – we strongly urge you to attend this training! For more information, see our flyer posted on the website. (link) Big thanks to the Children and Youth Education Committee, and our chairperson Marilee Niemi, for taking this project on.

Every Blessing,



Please note Rev. Talitha will be out of the office next week, meeting with her cohort for the Company of New Pastors.