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Leading Youth Group – In Pictures

A pictoral essay on all the various directions I’m going
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Thursday, Oct 16th: I attended a great conference at San Francisco Theological Seminary, focusing on games and innovation in ministry. In an “innovation lab” my group developed and pitched an idea for “The Listening Campaign,” with the tagline: Because your story needs to be heard. This has inspired me to spend more time doing one-on-one visits with youth in our group and in the neighborhood. I will probably set up some coffeehouse “office hours” to make space and time for it. Exciting!

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Friday, Oct 17th: Several members of Youth Group, directed by HAWG (Hunger Action Working Group) members, served dinner at College Avenue Presbyterian Church to a large crowd who were greatly appreciative. Big thanks to Bonnie Hamlin, Susanne Lea, Janet Mulshine, and Debbie Fallehy.

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Sunday, Oct 19th: with 29 youth in attendance we had a great youth group meeting. At the innovation conference I had been introduced to several new games, and this was one: build a castle out of cups, without ever touching them with your hands. Rubber bands and string to the rescue. Each group had a different approach… who played this game best?

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Upcoming: Retreat at Camp Cazadero. 26 youth and 5 adults will be present, 12 of whom will be on their first EVER retreat at Caz. We will play a lot of games designed to transform us into super-empowered, hopeful, & empathetic people. Pray for us!